Sunday, September 9, 2007

Get In Touch at Yuwie

I'm aware that people are reading the blog, because I am gaining 'signups' and referrals to the programs I've promoted on this blog. I use trackers, too, so these tell me where referrals are coming from.

I just noticed that a couple of the programs I've promoted here do not allow for contact from inside certain members' areas. This means that certain people might not be able to contact me if they need help. I'm so sorry that I overlooked this detail about contact, especially to those of you who are having troubles implementing the tools and ideas from within certain programs.

Please use my Yuwie details to contact me if you need some help with these programs.

I am almost ready to officially launch my website. Once I get that up and running smoothly, you'll have a permanent location where you can reach me. Until then, the best alternative that I can think of is for you to contact me through Yuwie.

Just log in and (if you're already a member and didn't get there by following my link) then look for ' teeray ' and send me a message. I will reply as soon as possible.

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