Wednesday, September 5, 2007

No Fluff

Maybe I'm up way to early this morning, but I assure you I did sleep well and I am definitely in my right mind.

I haven't even put on my 'Internet Marketer' Hat yet this morning.

I think I'll just leave it OFF today - ALL DAY and send out a 'No Fluff' message.

The message:

These THREE new Social Sites ROCK. (I've already posted about two of them, so don't overlook the bottom link). Heck - if you don't think these sites are great, I will eat my Internet Marketing HAT once I get home tonight!

Friends Win - NEW

These THREE new sites put MySpace and Facebook to shame! I have had to change my interaction tactics completely on MySpace and Facebook over the summer months and I primarily spend time guarding myself against SPAM and DISTRACTIONS while I'm in those two monster sites. Now don't get me totally wrong here. These are still reasonable sites - I just don't get the kind of WORK done when I am logged in to them anymore - not like I used to. I still use them - but these are definitely 'break time' sites for me now - 'true social factor' going on, rather than a whole lot of learning and internet business.

Few people - or else the wrong kind of people (spammers and scammers) - have figured out the value of Social Sites for mass-contact list building, information-sharing, and money earning. THAT is what has made MySpace and Facebook lose their value as of late, in my opinion, as Social Marketing TOP Sites. Inexperienced users create 'fluff' groups like "Join my group so I can win an iPod" - or SPAMMERS just indiscriminately send reflinks around that they don't know anything about, trying to gain referrals. Man, that gets hard to steer around after a while, doesn't it? Especially when you're looking for quality information and people with 'Know How!'

Those problems are SOLVED now - with the appearance of the three latest Social Sites.

Friends Win - NEW

Created by people who got tired of the MySpace-Facebook scenario, the admins and crews at the three latest social sites are ready and armed against the spammers who will soon flock there. Plus - they set the sites up with UNBELIEVABLE and VALUABLE tools - whether you're just looking to gather information about hobbies or business. These sites even have MAILER programs! I mean - GOOD ONES. And the APSense site is very notably GEARED FOR BUSINESS interests, let me tell you!

Get into these member areas BEFORE the flock of spammers comes along. Check out the existing groups right away. These are filled with knowledgeable people who ARENT using 'Facebook' and 'MySpace' MASS-Friend-Show-Off tactics. Most of the people I've encountered at all three of these sites are CAREFULLY building contacts inside their members areas. They are actually keeping COMMUNICATION channels open, instead of just scoping out friends with same interests to add to their friend list.

Do you want to be on 92 Friend Lists with people who never get a chance to chat with you about anything? Do you want to be on 92 Friend Lists with people who constantly send you a barrage of Ref-Links to programs they don't even understand?

Or - do you want to interact with PEOPLE who care about who is on their Friends List, and once you get on THEIR LIST, they want to find out about YOU?

Make a choice:

Friends Win - NEW

Okay - so I'm up too early in the morning - this is true. I couldn't sleep any longer because I needed to get this information down on the blog before I start my 'real-life' day. It's a BIG DAY for me today. I start the first day of my semester classes at University. No anxiety about classes. That's not what helped me wake up so early - it was really EXCITEMENT about these sites!

How could I run off to classes (In search of Abraham??) while my blog was deviod of links? How could I? Well - that just wasn't going to happen.

Enjoy your new members areas while I'm off at classes!
(I want to hear all about your experiences when I get back!)

Heck, I'm not even going to go fetch 'banners' this morning. You've seen the banners for two of these sites already - so here are the links, one more time, plain and simple:

Friends Win - NEW

Have a great day!

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